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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  August 30, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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z.abandoned in that intersection happened to be a rental car that had stolen items inside. police believe from a commercial burglary or robbery. and you can tell it's still a fluid situation. and authorities are not knot sure what charges they'll be facing yet. and each of those are a felony and a misdemeanor. >> thank you very much. there is information about a firefighter who collapsed after a big fir at st. patrick cathedral. there is an image of smoke pouring minutes after the fire began. abc 7 joins us live from the scene. >> abc 7 news talked with one of his closest friends.
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there is a photo and new information. the firefighter is 44 years old, he has been with the fire department 15 years and his close friend tells us he suffered a massive heart tack and in a medically induce coma. this firefighter frank ryan had been inside st. patrick cathedral battling the fire, collapse gs outside before noon, and quickly surrounded by fellow firefighters offering help. doctors say ryan suffered a cardiac event. >> we don't know the circumstances behind this, but again, with the tremendous heat and smoke inside of there, the doctors will determine why that happened. >> before collapsing firefighters had knocked down the fire. the response had been textbook. crew arriving a minute after the first call for help. and some people inside of the church had to run to escape the flames. >> i go inside of the church. the flames so hot, already. toupt ceiling already.
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soy tried to even the fire. and. >> firefighters say the thick smoke billowing from the building created blackout conditions inside of the structure. the fire also triggered an automatic evacuation of the school. and there are 320 students taken out of class. >> this is in two minute autos investigators working with the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms to determine how it started. that is secondary to firefighters who are worried about frank ryan and knowing they can't all be with him. >> we're struggling. and we're going to -- important to know is that we're going carry out if we get another fire we're going to go to work. that is how we do things. >> there are firefighters ready to respond. their thoughts with frank ryan
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tonight. 20 are gathered and frank ryan is in serious but stable condition in san jose, abc 7 news. >> and there is a two alarm strip mall fire broke out just before 5:00 on capitol avenue that is near alan rock. the open jerz the fire destroyed 20% of the merchandise including several dresses for a big wedding scheduled for this saturday. >> there is very, very hot. i had to plan for the wedding this week. and i was surprised. i didn't know what happened. >> the shop owner says she's sure the fire did not start in her business. the car is under investigation. a foster city man is under arrest after police say he was caught in the act, peeping on a young girl at breaking into
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her bedroom. the 18-year-old justin shing arrested saturday morning. the girl's father caught him on his hands and knees hiding inside of the bedroom. the father held him down until police arrived. shing has been posted bail and neighbors say he has returned home to the same neighborhood. >> and if you do look at a mug shot he's styling -- smiling from ear to ear. looking like a dental ad. you know? that is shocking and alarming to be someone who was just arrested for pretty darn serious charges. >> and he was accused of fondling another neighbor while he slept. he faces burglary, sexual battery and peeping charge autos police say the man responsible for two sexual attacks in two weeks is a thrill seeker. they want to catch him before the behavior takes a more dangerous turn. yesterday a man grabbed a
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woman's breast, last week reaching under a dress, fondling her buttocks. >> i have pepper spray. so going to be carrying that but sometimes i think i talk on the phone. i probably won't do that anymore. >> we usually try to pair up. so the suspect is described about 30 years old and now nrk yesterday's attack wearing a yellow hooded sweat shirt. last week wearing a varsity-style jacket. >> and there is plenty of anxiety on the gulf coast. a dam is in danger of failing. rising water from tropical storm isaac is threatening the percy quinn dam in the mississippi. if it fails parts of louisiana will flood. and louisiana governor ordered buses to help evacuate residents in case it fails.
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one resident says it's just unbelievable. >> i never imagined this. >> across the gulf isaac damage is extensive, tornadoes ripping through alabama and mississippi today thchl one in gulf port tore a home from its foundation. >> yosemite national park officials closed 91 cabins after a deadly hanta virus outbreak two. people died from the disease and two others, sickened. hanta virus contracted through contact with rodent droppings. the cdc reports a third of the people who contract it will die from the disease. documents released today show national parks service was asked to help up -- step uninspections for rodents in 2010. that report comes days after a pennsylvania visitor became the second death connected to the virus. >> and presidential campaign,
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republican national convention wraps up tonight with mitt romney taking center stage after being introduced by clint eastwood. and that is rye, he's expected to take the stage about 7:20. applause is for former florida governor jeb bush, speaking tonight to the delegation, it's romney's big night and his mission will be to win over voters. for mitt romney, tonight is one of the biggest moments this the campaign. >> will be my privilege to make my case to the american people. together et weel get this country back on track. we'll deliver recovery we've been waiting for. >> officials say in the speech romney will focus on values and vision who are how to lead america back to prosperity. with just 68 days to go he's
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been running for president almost six years, but in ways he's still introducing himself to voters. took a beating from republican rivals during primary season. the obama campaign has been hammering him with negative ads. attacks seem to have stuck. a new abc news poll found romney has the lowest personal popularity at the time of the convention of any major party nominee dating back to 1984. >> this is important to connect emotionally to allow mem in, then, you can make yir case he needs to show emp pathy because voters aren't convinced he has it. a poll found 58% believe he would favor the wealthy over middle class. officials say tonight will focus on selling his story and that is including his mormon
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faith. and all week long there has been a buzz about the so called mystery guest. there is speculation it would be clint eastwood. sources are confirming he will be on stage. the actor, film maker and former mayor of carmel is endorsing romney and skpikted to introduce him tonight. >> abc 7 news will be reporting live from tampa coming up. and this is including an interview with stanford professor and former secretary of state condoleezza rice. follow mark on twitter for instant updates or go to abc 7 news facebook page. we'll be streaming abc news coverage of the convention events on abc 7 starting at 4:00 p.m. it's on there right now. >> and coming up, a surprise
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development about the colorado movie theater gunman. the call made minutes before going on a deadly rampage. >> and keeping underwater californians in their homes. examining whether the state settlement with a big mortgage companies is making a difference. >> and cooler pattern, slick streets in areas. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> and thank you. plus, bay area school district that is making the grade. finding a way to get campus improvements accomplished. these tough economic times. the news contior
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. developing news out of colorado. details revealed in a court hearing for james holmes, accused mass murderer in a movie theater massacre saying he tried to call a university
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psychiatrist nine minutes before the attack. placing the call to an after hours number. he is accused in the july 20th shooting that left 12 people dead and 58 wounded in aurora, colorado. >> encouraging news about reducing the number of students who skip school in san francisco. numbers going down for the fifth year in public schools. this year, it was at 12% drop in the number of absent or truant students and five years, number is 37%. majority of unemployed homeless and people in prison are high school droppouts. >> so there is a young man i was a chronic truant and became a high school dropout. as a law enforcement professional i have worked years over and over again and i can tell you that the connect between not going school and crime is so undeniable. >> the district attorney work was the school district to provide counselor was work with students. >> and most california school districts are struggling
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because of cuts, there is a san leandro unified found a way to drive. and this is by putting their trust in voters. >> you know, measure m and b were part of an effort to raise funding to repair or build new over aging facilities. it's a strategy that paid off big time. >> it's amazing what the community is doing for the children. >> voters approved a measure that has taxpayers breaking open wallets. >> what we have to do to address the building is passed on. >> two voter approved bond she
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measure autos i look at the buildings as an invest nmt kids. >> this is a bond passed through modernization. and measure m picks up where b left off. it's a $50 million bond focusing on health and fitness making voters rather generous on the heels of a global recession. but there are challenges. the money can only be spent on construction projects. and this high school classroom used for physics and a new football field and swimming pool. but the. >> parcel tax has a high bar. >> the president of the san heand dro teacher association says class siss are increasing and various programs have been cut. the money keecher -- teachers
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need continues to come up short. teachers know why. >> this funding we've had from the state. >> in order to increase funding for teachers and supplies relie on they must pass a parcel tax. and that is a tough sell. >> it's going to get 67%. so two-thirds. when we're asking for parcel tax. it's going into the program. and that is for the parents. >> and today, they're sell briting the passage of measure m voted on in 2010. and all iz will now be on measure "l" on the november ballot. if that is approved the money generated from that parcel tax will be staying here in san leandro. the state won't get a dime. nick smith abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. and the early report card is out on how well five of the biggest mortgage services are kmp plying with settlements dine designed to prevent foreclosures. >> there is that settlement
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reached with 49 of the states attorneys general including here in california. following reports of robo signing and other ill legalities. and in california alone the servicers agreed to make $12 billion in principle reductions so far, only 2300 californians have received principle reductions during the first three months of the settlement. that is just $355 million of the $12 billion promised to california. instead, servicers are agreeing to more short sales, nearly $4 billion in all that california reinvestment coalition calling on servicers to do more to save people from foreclosure. and how early do you think your child can read? one company claims to teach kids as young as nine months old. the catch agreed to pay $185
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million in fines to settle charges of false advertising. this shows they can learn to use using flash cards and videos. and raked in $185 million in sales. the ftc charged the company with making false claims that the system works and was backed by scientific studies. now, the company agreed to pay back all of the money it made if there are additional issues. however, your baby can read is out of business. ftc collected a half million dollars. >> and the kindel fire seems to be on fire. and there is reporting its popular e tablet is sold out. and the company doesn't say how many have sold but ap puts the figure at about $5 million. making it the second best
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selling behind ipad, and it went on sale last november. the first kindel with a color screen and ability to run april politics that costs $199. and the ipad starts at $499. next week, amazon expected to launch the newest version and that comes out, you'll see it here, first. >> before moving on if you smell or see smoke in the antioch and pitsburg area it's from a controlled bush burn so it's under control. >> and sandhya patel is not keeping an eye on the weather for use and beautiful out i had toed. looking behind you. that marine layer is really starting to come back z this is camping up and temperatures going down already cooler today. and let's show you a live picture and what it looks like from our camera. looking across the bay you can see low clouds there and there is
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marine layer 1800 feet deep. and there are temperatures down a couple degrees there. san francisco, down 15 degrees. there is another live picture now and there is blue skies into lake tahoe area f you're heading there tomorrow, partly cloudy skies, isolated thunderstorms. and there is beautiful up there. and taking you to the gulf coast this, is what is left of the isaac. it's now a tropical depression. and still, causing some flooding rape as cross the region. they're expecting to see quite a bit of rain. and so there is a different moisture moving into southern california. bringing them thunderstorms, there are flood advisories up
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to southern california so this is is is also flash flood warnings and waves. and there is clear skies inland. along the coastline, socked in. and this is solid here, pacifica, high 56 this afternoon. it's mid to upper 60s at the coast. and low clouds and fog tonight. coastal drizzle and temperatures rebound heading into labor day. tomorrow morning wide spread low clouds and patchy fog and drizzle. there is here is what is causing the change in weather pattern. there is a kick up on the sea breeze, more cooling taking place tomorrow as that area of
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low pressure is closer to the coastline. we're going to drop well below normal. there is thunderstorms into sierra. the troug ahs slower clearing meaning cooler weather for your friday. and high temperatures south bay, 70 degrees in sunny veil z peninsula, 69 palo alto. 56 on the coast. and downtown san francisco, 61 degrees. there is east bay 6 ain oakland. 70s in castro valley. inland out of the 90s. there is 69 degrees in santa cruz. accu-weather forecast is cooler than normal conditions and warmer days sunday and monday and good time for
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barbecues and picnics on labor day. >> thank you very much. >> and still ahead, just for the second time in as many months efforts to redirect the dolphins. >> that swam into a creek
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parts of southern california under a flash flood warning covering central los angeles county and parts of san bernardino county. firefighters rescuing people stranded in cars some with windows rolled up to keep water from rushing in. there is more rain expected
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and take a look at this. two wayward bottle nosed dolphins that one appears to be covering from a skin issue possibly caused by water in the area. saying there are no plans to go in to rescue dolphins and there is another dolphin spotted in the same canal. >> happens from time to time.
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new at 6:00 we're going sit down with the chief executive of pg&e talking about what it will restore faith in his country. and how people in petaluma are chipping in to give world series heroes a proper cal yut this weekend. >> and world news is coming up next. i'm cheryl jennings. >> and from all


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